Sunday, 23 December 2007

Good News for the Pass

We have had quite an interesting week here in the Pass. More changes and some very exciting news. At council this week we passed second and third readings for rezoning the new Shane Stewart and Doug Bergen development from grouped country residential to R1a. The new rezoning will see about 38 acres developed into homes (single family residential and multi-family) for 500 to 600 people. Had the property remained as country residential, as many area residents wanted, it would have allowed homes for only 30 to 40 people. It is hard for me to believe how people can want to see our land wasted in that obscene fashion with country residential. We do, after all, have a very limited developable land base in Crowsnest Pass. If we were to allow our beautiful Crowsnest Pass to develop in that fashion to provide homes for 500 people with country residential acreages we would need to waste 750 acres.

On to the most exciting news we have had in Crowsnest Pass since the announcement of the resort on Crowsnest Lake. This week Bridgecreek Development Corporation announced the inking of a deal with Carleton Hotels for the construction of a Radisson Hotel. The plan is for a large hotel convention centre located on the 52 acres north of the river close to central Blairmore. The announcement couldn't have come at a better time. Congratulations Bridgecreek!

We did have an interesting if minor debate at council this week regarding a trailer on our small trailer park in Blairmore vacated due to the death of the tenant. The rental agreement requires the trailer to moved in such an instance. The woman's family wanted to rent out the trailer rather than moving it. Seemingly a pretty straight forward solution would be to allow her that option. But the trailer is sitting on a water main with no room to re-locate either the trailer or the water line. Dean Ward made a motion to allow the family to rent out the trailer, without any consideration on how we would repair or upgrade that water line. Council did turn down that motion.

Council after considerable debate agreed to hold both a spring and fall cleanup next year. Residents will be informed as to when they will be picked up and will have one week to place their excess materials out for pickup. Each clean up will be completed in three weeks. To eleminate the abuse we saw last year we have reduced the types of materials we will take by over half.

Items in red text will not be picked up.
Only items in black text will be.
  • Wire (fencing)
  • Wood burners
  • Vehicles
  • Bath tubs
  • Sinks
  • General steel
  • Gas cans
  • Pipe
  • Stoves
  • Fridges and freezers, will remove at no charge
  • Car parts
  • Snowmobiles and parts
    Propane tanks
    Hot water tanks
  • Construction material
    Dry wall
    Painted wood
    Lath and Plaster
    Any painted wood
  • House hold garbage (already bagged garbage)
    Bagged grass clippings
    Plastics (jugs, bottles, gas cans)

    Glass (windows and doors)
    Paper products
    Garden Waste
  • Mattresses
  • Couches
  • Playground equipment
  • Electronics
  • Sports and exercise equipment
  • Sinks
  • Grass
  • Tree Branches
    Unpainted wood
    File Type Material
  • Fence posts with concrete on them
  • Tires

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